Sunday, March 7, 2010

An Update

All right its been a few weeks since I've posted and I just thought that i might share some of what's been going on. Since the whole diagnosis I have undergone some major changes in my life. I have cut all processed sugars (even the less than 2% in certain items). This has taken a small toll in my wallet but if its going to help me then I'll keep it up. I have continued to excersize for an hour and do another hour of yoga every morning. This has helped me to lose a lot of weight (no complaints on that part). I have gotten past my plataue of a certain size. I have never been able to get smaller than a size 16 jean size. I have gone past that all the way down to a size 12 and I am super excited about that! I have stalled a little bit but that just tells me I need to change up my routine a little.
I have had trouble still trying to get stress out of my life. A lot of it is my boss causing me to not be able to yell at him for blaming stuff that he got in trouble for on me, but that's a whole 'nother story. I have been working a lot of over-time lately because our assistant manager is on maternatiy leave and the manager is out for surgery which means I'm the only other cook left and so I get a lot of hours. Its good for my pay check but bad for my stress levels. Just a couple more weeks of that though.
The one thing that keeps me going is knowing that the second weekend in April is pretty big for me. I get to go home for the weekend and I am sooooooooo excited for that. I miss everyone back home! Yes its true. I'm going to be leaving here the 9th after I get off work and then drive up to Iowa with my brother (long story on that part), and I will be there for the 10th, 11th, and come back here the 12th. So if you want to see me then you should totally let me know!
I better go, life goes on and I have a job interview in the morning before I head off to my current job (fingers crossed I get this one). So you guys have fun, enjoy life and what it has to offer.
I'll catch ya on the Flip side;-)


  1. I WANT TO SEE YOU!!!! So excited for you!!! Way to GO!!! You are gonna look gorgeous!

  2. Thanks! I want to see you too! I can't wait.
